
Virtual Art Show

Check out the Virtual Art Show Ms. Colburn created to showcase student work! We are so lucky to have such an amazing art teacher. Our walls at school are adorned with her inspiring ideas and student creativity.

Black Excellence Community Night

Trevista hosted an Open House to celebrate Black Excellence. Each classroom presented a project, centering on Black Americans in Denver and honor the black lives that have impacted our community. Students were thrilled to show off their learning and familiesContinue Reading

The Great Kindness Challenge

During the month of January, our students participated in The Great Kindness Challenge. Kindness coins were distributed throughout the school to students demonstrating kindness. We had a school wide competition to see which classroom could collect the most coins. ClassroomsContinue Reading

Joyful Celebrations!

Our kinder students learned about many ways people around the world celebrate holidays this time of year. Wishing you all a wonderful winter break and all the joy your celebrations bring!

2nd Grade Music Performance

We ended the week with a celebration of music. Ms. Amelia Roberts directed an outstanding performance and thank you again to our guest musician – Mr. Mensah!

2021/2022 Uniform Shirts

Our special uniform shirt created by Chelsea last year during our Uniform Shirt Design Competition is finally available! We will be selling during Back to School Night, September 9th @ 5-6. Cost is $12. See you there!

Welcome Back to School Year 2021/2022

Back to School Night is Thursday, September 9th @ 5-6 and it will be outdoors on the back field. Each grade level will have a table or two to distribute information about the upcoming school year.. They will also provideContinue Reading

Teacher Appreciation Week

Thank you to all of you that celebrated our teachers last week. It was a well deserved week full of appreciation and joy. This video includes messages from our students!