
Trevista Production of Frozen

Ms. Amelia Roberts and our 3rd-5th Grade students presented a spectacular production of Frozen Jr. Video to be linked soon!

DPS School Counselor of the Year

Lisa Roberts was recognized as the DPS Elementary School Counselor of the Year for 2025!! Lisa is beyond committed to supporting students and their families. Lisa is a true gem of a human; empathetic, caring, hard working, and so muchContinue Reading

Trevista School Choice Window

Learn more about Trevista at Horace Mann by visiting Trevista during one of our school tours on Thursdays @ 9AM. No reservation required. Check out our video to learn more about Trevista! The school choice window is January 15th throughContinue Reading

Welcome to Trevista 2024-25!

Welcome to the 24/25 School Year Trevista Families! 2024-2025 Registration is open!! If you have not already completed the online registration for the 2024-25 school year, please do so July 29th -August 9th. This is in addition to the schoolContinue Reading

Express Yourself!

Our Trevista Community just finished a month of learning about our individual identities. We celebrate our learning with a parade around the school, proudly showcasing what makes each of us unique!!

Music News!

Check out some highlights from our ECE/Kindergarten Concert and our 4th/5th Grade arrangement of Billie Jean!


Full video is available! If you were not able to get the QR code to work on Thursday night, you go to  this link  and donate $5-10/adult who attended. All funds raised will go towards next year’s musical and scholarships for students. AContinue Reading

Black Excellence Community Night Open House – February 29th @ 4PM-5:30PM

Each classroom is learning about a black inventor during Black History Month. During our annual Black Excellence Community Night on Thursday, 2/29 @ 4PM-5:30PM, families will be invited into classrooms for an open house to learn about black inventors and theirContinue Reading